Learning at Decatur Christian School
A Christ-centered environment means the lives of our staff, the culture of our campus, and our educational program will reflect the Lord's values as revealed in the Bible. At Decatur Christian School, Jesus Christ will be at the center of all decision-making and the truth of God’s Word will be integrated into academics, athletics, fine arts, and human relationships.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) are integrated at all grade levels. In lower elementary grades, weekly STEM challenges are presented to the students with supplies and materials to help them discover solutions and work together as teams. Upper elementary and middle school students work on computer coding and programming applied to Lego Mindstorm robots in First Lego League competitions. High school students have the opportunity to join the First Tech Challenge and also do computer coding and programming, build robots, and compete with other teams.

Science courses at Decatur Christian reflect a biblical view of creationism integrated with multiple disciplinary studies. Class offerings include earth science, physical science, biology, chemistry, physics, forensics, bioethics, creation apologetics, and anatomy and physiology.
Social Studies

Ancient world history, modern world history, culture studies, U.S. history, and American Government are all part of the high school course offerings at DCS. Elementary grades will study early America, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the French Revolution, the American frontier, state growth, and the Civil War. A focus on Illinois history is also part of the elementary program in social studies.

The DCS Bible classes emphasize knowledge of the Bible and a personal relationship with Jesus in daily living. We teach the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and the revelation of God’s plan of redemption for any who call upon Jesus for forgiveness of sin.
Bible classes at Decatur Christian emphasize not only the content, but also our response in living according to the biblical principles in everyday life. Younger grades study God’s plan of redemption through faith in Jesus Christ. Curriculum studies highlight life application and memory verses and personal growth. Older grades study discipleship, worldview and theology. These courses equip the student to wisely consider the major forces of our culture and interpret them through a Biblical Christian lens.

The DCS Bible classes emphasize knowledge of the Bible and a personal relationship with Jesus in daily living. We teach the Bible as the inspired Word of God, and the revelation of God’s plan of redemption for any who call upon Jesus for forgiveness of sin.
Bible classes at Decatur Christian emphasize not only the content, but also our response in living according to the biblical principles in everyday life. Younger grades study God’s plan of redemption through faith in Jesus Christ. Curriculum studies highlight life application and memory verses and personal growth. Older grades study discipleship, worldview and theology. These courses equip the student to wisely consider the major forces of our culture and interpret them through a Biblical Christian lens.
Fine Arts

Art classes, band, radio production, theatre, and Soul Purpose are all classes in which students develop skills in the fine arts. Soul Purpose is our student ministry team that leads worship in our weekly chapel services.

Phonics, spelling, language, writing, vocabulary development, and comprehension are the core components for the elementary reading program.
Upper level English courses expose students to great literature, and students learn to evaluate literature in its biblical, historical, and cultural contexts. Students also analyze texts and then compile their thoughts in a clear, concise manner through formal writing in preparation for the college classroom or future professional life. Oral communication is developed through a required formal speech and class participation.

DCS offers classroom Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. In addition to the classroom Spanish, a great array of foreign language options are available for credit using Rosetta Stone. Students working on Rosetta Stone are accountable for certain progress goals and report to a teacher who supervises the pace of the online learning courses.
Physical Education & Health

Elementary PE classes meet weekly and students learn age specific physical fitness skills. Middle school and high school classes meet four to five days weekly. Depending on the season, students may be outdoors for PE. Various athletic programming includes flag football, soccer, volleyball, running, basketball, and a variety of other individual and team sports.